28 March 2014

Attention all Non-active Users

It seems a lot of people don't read the forum rules so I'm posting here

We're in the process of deleting in-active users, if you haven't made any post at all for over 26 days your account falls under in-active and will automatically deleted. This refer to new user who register and do not post

 If you've posted before but have been in-active for a while[6 months] your account is probably de-activated by now, if you e-mail within the next 48 hours of de-activation i'll re-active it 

P.S I also recommend all users who haven't read the forum rules to do so


  1. Oh...thanks for the reminder...i used to visit the page...but usually i didn't post anything...

  2. My account was de-activated, I tried to register again with the same username but was told it was already taken...does it mean it can still be re-activated? What is to be done now?



    Hi everyone, it’s been a while! We’re currently recruiting volunteers to help complete The Bride Of The Water God. .  We’re currently l...